Welcome to mtm's website.
About mTm Journal
mTm Journal is an international refereed journal with an Editorial Board comprised of leading scholars in the field of translation studies. mTm aims at starting and promoting a discussion on the particularities of translation from major into minor languages and vice versa, as well as of translation between minor languages.
By the term minor language, we mean either a language of limited diffusion or one of intermediate diffusion compared to a major language or language of unlimited diffusion.
By the term major language, we mean either a language of unlimited diffusion such as English, or a language that enjoys major status within a state where other, officially recognised minor languages are also spoken (e.g. Finnish as an official language in Finland compared to Swedish).
mTm will be published provisionally as one volume per year.
Contributions are welcome in one of the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish or Italian.
All articles must be accompanied by an abstract of about 200 words in English.
ISSN (printed): 1791-8421
ISSN (on-line): 2654-0312
The 10th volume of the mTm journal is now available for download (subscribers only).
FREE access to volumes 1 to 5.
40 years have passed since the publication of Hans J. Vermeer's Ein Rahmen für eine allgemeine Translationstheorie (A Framework for a General Theory of Translation). To celebrate this anniversary, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz is organizing a Conference entitled "Framing, Drafting, Sketching. Hans J. Vermeer's Theoretical Proposal to Translation Studies" and "http://www.fb06.uni-mainz.de/vermeer/index_ENG.php".
See also our 2012 Volume "In Memoriam Hans J. Vermeer".
Call For Papers
mTm vol. 12
The 12th volume of the mTm journal is scheduled to appear in early 2021. The 12th volume is non-thematic so articles on all aspects of TS which fall within the scope of the journal are welcome.
Articles may be submitted in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.
Submission process:
1. Submission of Abstracts (200-300 words): deadline 31 May 2020 by e-mail to the editors Anastasia Parianou and Panayotis Kelandrias (mtmjournal12@gmail.com) with the Subject line mTm Issue 12.
2. Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2020.
3. Submission of full papers: 31 October 2020 to the editors Anastasia Parianou and Panayotis Kelandrias (mtmjournal12@gmail.com).
4. Reviewed papers to be sent to contributors: 15 January 2021.
5. For author guidelines, see here http://www.mtmjournal.gr/default.asp?catid=435
6. Please feel free to contact the editors if you have any questions/concerns: mtmjournal12@gmail.com